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Windows Server Monitoring

Requires Opsview Cloud or Opsview Monitor 6
Opsview Supported

Windows Server Monitoring Software

Windows Server is a brand name for a group of server operating systems released by Microsoft. Windows Server also includes the popular series of server software hosting a range of software and services such as Microsoft IIS, Exchange and Hyper-V.

What You Can Monitor

Opsview's Microsoft Windows Server monitoring software gives you the power to monitor the status of your server checking all common metrics such as:

Opsview's extensive Windows Monitoring solutions will provide your company with a single pane of glass to your Windows environment.

Service Checks

Service Check Description
CPU Utilisation CPU Utilisation
Disk Queue Checks size of disk queue is within bounds
Drive Checks drive usage is within bounds
Paging File Utilisation Windows paging file usage
Physical Memory Physical memory utilisation
WINS Service Checks Windows Internet Name Service is running

Windows Server Monitoring Software Setup and Configuration

To configure and utilize this Opspack, you simply need to add the 'OS - Windows Base' Opspack to the host and specify the Windows Base drive via the variable WINDOWS_DRIVE.

Step 1: Add the Host Template

Add the OS - Windows Base Host Template to your Opsview Monitor host.

For more information, refer to Opsview Knowledge Center - Adding Host Templates to Hosts.

Step 2: Add and configure variables required for this host

Host Variable Description
WINDOWS_DRIVE The drive to be monitored on the server

For more information, refer to Opsview Knowledge Center - Adding Variables to Hosts.

Step 3: Apply changes and the system will now be monitored

Windows Server Service Checks